8 terrible ways to describe yourself in a job application

8 terrible ways to describe yourself in a job application

You want to present yourself in the best possible light. However, certain descriptions can do more harm than good. And in case you’re wondering, yes - these examples come from ...
What do career-driven people have in common?

What do career-driven people have in common?

In today’s world, we put a lot of emphasis on progress. Even the Consult Recruitment team produces at least 3-lists a week on ways to get ahead, but recently it's ...
7 signs an employee is about to quit

7 signs an employee is about to quit

There are multiple signs that things are turning sour for your employee. By being alert to them, you can take proactive steps to address any concerns. Keeping your valuable talent ...
8 career lessons you shouldn't ignore.

8 career lessons you shouldn’t ignore.

#1: No to the yes-man. It's tempting to say yes to everything and everyone to please them and add to your credibility. But this can lead to burnout or doing ...
The most annoying CV mistakes

The most annoying CV mistakes

We’ve seen a lot of them, but these take the cake. #1: Spelling your name wrong. I know – is this even possible? Yes, it is. Chros, Matew, Jmaes, Cabel ...
5 ways to attract top talent

5 ways to attract top talent

The best person for the job is out there. But what if they aren’t actively looking? Use these 5 ways to attract them. #1: Do your employees say positive things? ...
Why you’re not getting hired.

Why you’re not getting hired.

We've all faced rejection at some point. It's a tough pill to swallow! Especially when you receive those "Thanks, but no thanks" emails. But have you identified why it happens? ...
What do employers want?

What do employers want?

The burning question everyone wants to know. After years of working with companies of all sizes, when it comes to people, deep down, they’re all searching for the same things ...
What’s the relationship between anxiety and the talent economy?

What’s the relationship between anxiety and the talent economy?

A recent poll within our talent community revealed that more than half of employees were feeling anxious about their jobs. Earlier this year I started writing down newspaper headlines. In ...
Your CV can be longer than 2 pages

Your CV can be longer than 2 pages

We're not saying go write the great American novel. But, if you have more than 10 years experience, you’ll never fit everything into 2 pages or less. Your CV is ...
Are you using LinkedIn correctly?

Are you using LinkedIn correctly?

LinkedIn has become the go-to platform for professionals to connect, network, and find job opportunities. But is your LinkedIn game milking every last drop of gold available? Use these tips ...
Do you know why you didn't get that job?

Do you know why you didn’t get that job?

We’ve seen a lot of outstanding candidates miss out on roles. Why? Because someone better prepared came along. Next time you're going for a job, make sure you tick off ...

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Scam Alert: Beware of scammers on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp posing as Consult Recruitment employees. If you're contacted on these platforms about job opportunities, please don’t reply and inform us here.