Consult Recruitment NZ > Career  > What do employers want?

What do employers want?

The burning question everyone wants to know.

After years of working with companies of all sizes, when it comes to people, deep down, they’re all searching for the same things.

#1: Radiators, not drains.

Most people want to come to work to be energised by the people around them. 

Employers avoid negative people like the plague because they know that over time it drains everyone around them and it reflects poorly on their company brand. 

Don’t be that person people avoid!

#2: Can I trust & rely on you?

Employers and managers are literally falling over themselves to find people that will take ownership of their work. 

If you’ve got a can-do attitude and you can be relied upon to get a job done, your boss will be happy. Why? 

Well, your manager likely has a long to-do list. So, having an employee they can trust is paramount. Make sure you’re taking ownership of your role, and if you say you’ll do something, then get it done.

#3: Problem solvers, not creators.

After you get past the newbie stage, there comes a time when you’re going to have to manage out of the box situations. Make sure you’re using your initiative, or AI will come knocking! 🤖

Think of it like creating opportunities or problem-solving – how can you make things that little bit better? Most employers would love for their staff to turn up the initiative dial. 

(But read #6 as well, because there is a risk of overdoing the initiative part too!!).

#4: Keep me in the loop.

It’s on every job ad and the lips of every hiring manager – being a good communicator. But we aren’t talking about speaking clearly or writing good (bad grammar intended, btw).

It’s about communicating appropriately for the situation. We started working on a role where the prior employee sent emails to the person sitting right next to them instead of just talking with the person!! 

Use the appropriate communication channels for the situation. If you’re not sure – observe what others are doing or just ask.

#5: Nail the basics.

Unless your role is to sit in a cupboard by yourself, chances are, you’ll be working with other people – so you’ve got to have a handle on social graces.

The simple stuff like:

  • Turning up on time,
  • Showing appreciation (i.e. saying thank you!),
  • Presenting yourself well,
  • Not whining, and
  • Having good personal hygiene!

Nobody wants to be the smelly one or sat next to them!!

#6: But don’t overdo it!

  1. Don’t run out of steam – you just won’t let things go, so you end up run down and miserable with a massive to-do list.
  2. Check first, do second – maybe check in with your boss before you go changing key systems and processes?!
  3. Avoid overkill – too many emails, talking too loudly, debriefing after every call. Employers need kept in the loop, not rolling commentary.


  1. Radiators, not drains.
  2. Can I trust & rely on you?
  3. Problem solver, not creator
  4. Keep me in the loop.
  5. Nail the basics.
  6. But don’t overdo it!

So, what are you waiting for? 

Give the people what they want – a great member of their team.

About the author

Consult Recruitment

Consult Recruitment is a leading recruitment agency based in Auckland, pairing top talent with the best businesses. We pride ourselves on delivering outstanding experiences so you can focus on what's important.

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