Consult Recruitment NZ > Career  > 8 career lessons you shouldn’t ignore.

8 career lessons you shouldn’t ignore.

#1: No to the yes-man.

It’s tempting to say yes to everything and everyone to please them and add to your credibility.

But this can lead to burnout or doing things half-assed.

Saying ‘no’ (where appropriate) is just as important.

#2: The road has many potholes.

At the time, failures suck. We know.

But failures can be the best and fastest way to learn and improve.

When you make mistakes, see them as opportunities to improve by taking the learnings & applying them to your situation.

#3: Success doesn’t happen overnight.

Everyone was a rookie in their profession at one point. 

Don’t expect to be CFO straight away. It takes time and effort to work your way up the career ladder.

But you will do it. You just need more time!

#4: Teamwork makes the dream work.

You can only achieve so much on your own.

Your colleagues, family, friends and wider network are super important to help you get to where you’re going. There’s nothing wrong with getting a little help.

As they say – many hands make light work.

#5: Be yourself.

You may look up to a global leader or someone at work. Maybe you aspire to be like certain people. That’s all great!

It’s good to cherry-pick traits to improve yourself but don’t replicate them word-for-word.

Be yourself.

#6: It’s not about the money, honey.

Especially in the early years of your career, it’s tempting to think it’s all about the moolah.

Yes, it’s important, but not at the expense of other things, such as health and happiness.

Learn to prioritise!

#7: Dreams don’t age.

As we work and live longer, having more than one career is becoming more common.

Maybe you’re in a successful city role, but you really want to set up a cafe or become a surf instructor – it’s never too late!

Many people ‘find themselves’ by changing careers midway through their working life. Don’t let this scare you.

#8: Goals, Goals, Goals.

It’s easier to achieve stuff when you make goals and write them down.

Sounds simple, right? But people who feel regret when they look back at what they’ve achieved often point to a lack of goal setting as a culprit.

You may have heard of the acronym SMART – Specific, Measurable, Agreed upon, Realistic and Time-based goals. Create them & target them.


  1. No to the yes-man.
  2. The road has many potholes.
  3. Success doesn’t happen overnight.
  4. Teamwork makes the dream work.
  5. Be yourself.
  6. It’s not about the money, honey.
  7. Dreams don’t age.
  8. Set SMART goals.

About the author

Consult Recruitment

Consult Recruitment is a leading recruitment agency based in Auckland, pairing top talent with the best businesses. We pride ourselves on delivering outstanding experiences so you can focus on what's important.

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