Consult Recruitment NZ > Career  > A common mistake made by career-driven people

A common mistake made by career-driven people

In today’s world, we put a lot of emphasis on progress.

Always seeking the next thing.

Next job,

Next step,

Next promotion…


And it’s this desire for progress that often drives career-driven people to make a similar mistake.

Resulting in missed opportunities.

The common mistake:

They view their current role as a stepping stone towards their ultimate career goal.

What’s wrong with that?

It’s totally natural to aspire for more. Most do!

But, this perspective can often cause us to overlook the growth opportunities right before us. 

So, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella offers an insightful alternative.

Focus on what’s in front of you.

He challenges us to see our current role as a valuable experience to “get something from” rather than an obstacle to “get through”.

In short = focus on doing the best work of your career in the job you’re already in.

What’s the benefit of this?

It encourages us to extract value and learning from our everyday tasks and interactions rather than simply ticking off to-do lists.

Because every job, no matter its perceived importance, holds potential for growth and learning.

Remember, your current roles aren’t just stepping stones. 

They’re launching pads for growth and success.

About the author

Consult Recruitment

Consult Recruitment is a leading recruitment agency based in Auckland, pairing top talent with the best businesses. We pride ourselves on delivering outstanding experiences so you can focus on what's important.

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