Consult Recruitment NZ > Career  > Focus on Growing an HR function, Not the Company Name

Focus on Growing an HR function, Not the Company Name

Have a quick scan across the NZ HR landscape and you’ll find a lot of people at the advisory and mid-level who are constantly moving roles.

However, if you are moving roles just to get to the next level, I believe it is more important to find a company on a growth journey, that is building up their team and are not afraid to look into different ways of doing things. 

Moving into a big name company to do a transactional role that maintains the status quo and ticks all the boxes may look great on the CV. However, if you don’t have anything transformational to back up your experience or any projects that you’ve implemented that have impacted the business positively, that may hinder your progression further in the future.

It can be easier to say you need to find a new role to progress, but it’s not always about diversifying yourself across different companies and industries. Try and focus on growth in your current role first. Traditionally, HR was seen as a hiring and firing function. Now the function is about finding out what is best for both the company and the employees.

In today’s world change is mandatory and the HR function covers a lot more than it used to. Therefore, there are plenty of opportunities where you can identify and implement a change management process and create your own growth journey in your role.

HR should be an organisation’s most important function because without looking after your people properly you don’t have a business.

For more top job search tips, click here to download our 10 Top Tips for Job Search Success.

If you need any support with your career planning or your next career move, then please get in touch with me for a confidential conversation at or 09 410 7235.

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