Consult Recruitment NZ > Career  > 4 Ways Social Media Is Good For Your Accounting Career

4 Ways Social Media Is Good For Your Accounting Career

Social media is bigger than ever.

While some of you might think it’s still trivial, the fact remains, perhaps now more than ever, that it is a part of the ever-changing fabric of life for most of us, including the businesses we work for (or want to work for). 

If you’re like the typical New Zealand accountant, you probably already have a Facebook account that you’re very comfortable using in your personal life. You might have a LinkedIn profile and you probably don’t have a Twitter or Instagram account – yet.

Compared to your counterparts overseas (and to other professionals in New Zealand), accountants here have been slower to embrace social media in their professional lives. That’s beginning to change rapidly however and if you’re not on social already, now is definitely the time to get on board – or face being left behind.

Here are four very solid reasons why you should step up your social media game:


The world is rapidly changing and that is true for accounting too. Technology is a very big part of everyday business for most companies and if you’re not embracing new technology you might just be overlooked by someone who can do so enthusiastically.

Sure, mastering the tweet doesn’t automatically mean you’re a technical whizz kid, but it’s definitely a sign that you enjoy technology and that you’re at home in this fast-changing digital world. If a would-be employer or employee can’t find any evidence of you online, all your talk about being technically savvy will ring hollow.


You know that building your professional networks should be a big part of your career progression strategy. Social media has made that so much easier. While there will never be a substitute for face-to-face conversations, it’s increased the ease of networking with a number of potential contacts available to you exponentially. 

Now you don’t have to wait for that next NZICA or industry event (which – let’s face it – you probably view as a total chore anyway); you can start having conversations from the comfort of your own couch. As soon as tonight! The joy of social media is having those connections at your fingertips.

And if you’re an introverted type, social media is right up your alley. It gives you the chance to get to know someone well before you meet them in real life, so you’ll already have something to talk about. That means no more awkward conversations around the buffet about the quality of the sandwiches or how crazy the weather has been.


The amount of content online continues to grow at a blistering pace – including everything you could possibly want to know about accounting or career management.

To keep abreast of your industry news and of major developments, you really need to be online.

Blogs are a great place to start! Whether it’s to find 9 specialist tools that are better than Excel or how to deal with a disengaged boss, there are blogs to cover all topics. If you would prefer not to clutter up your inbox though, follow your favourite companies & blogs’ social media pages so all your updates are in one place.

If you have specific questions, reach out to connections you’ve forged online. LinkedIn groups are an excellent place to start. You can share your knowledge too, which is an important part of building your online reputation as an expert in your field.


Large surveys in the US has shown that over 90% of companies are using social media to recruit, a trend that seems to be gaining momentum in New Zealand too.

Increasingly, many of the most innovative companies aren’t advertising on job boards at all; they’re more likely to attract tech-savvy candidates who are a good fit for their company by utilising social media and referrals.

Social media also afford you the opportunity to get the low-down on a company and their culture before you even make contact. Many companies advertise what they’re all about online in hopes of hooking that extra special person to join their team.

If you want to hear about opportunities that are really right for you next time you’re looking for work, or – better yet, get shoulder-tapped when you’re not even actively searching, you need to be online. It’s as simple as that.

We’re not just talk here, Consult also walks the walk when it comes to social. If you would like to see what crazy antics we get up to, check out our latest jobs or just see how much our consultants love food (a whole lot), just like or follow us on FacebookInstagramLinkedIn and Twitter.

About the author

Angela Cameron - CA, CPA

Executive Director

A chartered accountant by qualification, she is a recruitment leader by nature.

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