The Consult story is that of
a good Kiwi Battler.
Consult started with humble beginnings, big aspirations and a huge dose of wanting to make a difference for people for their next role (and organisations wanting to find the best people).
Today we are a bunch of people that are focused on the difference we can make.
At Consult,
We are:
Making work awesome since 2008
Big enough to have connections but small enough to care
Serious about what we value
Made up of expert specialist recruiters each focused on a specialist vertical
One of NZ’s fastest growing agencies; see our history timeline for proof!
Let’s face it,
Some recruiters are terrible.
We are here to change the score.
We are passionate believers in the difference that accessing the best talent can make.
You’ll win in your business because you’ve got the best people working for you .
You’ll win in your career because you have got the best people around you.
Consult are experts at creating winning teams since ages ago.